
Programming the ESP8266 Wifi module with Arduino IDE

The ESP8266 is a small microcontroller Espressif, low cost and integrated Wi-Fi. Its low cost and small size makes it ideal for providing wireless connectivity to any sensor or actuator for the Internet of Things. We can also program it using Arduino IDE and many of the libraries that we know for Arduino, so it is very easy to use.

In this post I will use an ESP8266 ESP-01. It is the most basic circuit incorporating a ESP8266, and it can connect to a wireless network, act on two digital pins and communicate through the serial port.

To program need a USB-serial converter operating at 3.3V. This is very important since the ESP8266 not tolerate more than 3.6V on its pins. If your USB-serial converter can not operate at 3.3V, alternatively you can use a TTL level converter and a source of 3.3V.

I'll connect everything using a breadboard and several jumper wires (male-female ESP-01 to the breadboard, and male-male for connections on the breadboard). In addition to demonstrate its operation will build a circuit with a 5mm LED and its resistance, which need an NPN transistor.

Arduino IDE 1.6.4 or higher. From this version Arduino IDE allows to install additional third plates (non-Arduino) configurations very easily.

If you are interested in this kind of Arduino SCM module board, you could purchase it via Banggood at a low price of $ 3.21. Also, you could search other type Arduino accessories here, such as, ESP8266 ESP-03, ESP8266 ESP-05, ESP8266 ESP-07, etc. All of them will cost you fordable prices.

